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Florida Sheriff: Why you should think twice before posting a back-to-school photo of your child

A sheriff's office provides tips on how to post photos of your child safely on social media.

PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — As kids head back to the classroom on Thursday, proud parents may be tempted to share a "first day of school" photo. But as Pasco County deputies warn, they may want to think twice before posting. 

These back-to-school photos of children often inadvertently share information about where the child goes to school or where they participate in after-school sports or clubs, the sheriff's office explained. The chalkboard or letterboard photo trend where children hold up signs with information such as age, school or the name of their teacher can be especially dangerous.

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First day of preschool photo

The sheriff's office explained that potential predators and scammers often look to these photos for clues such as what your children look like, where they go to school and any names or nicknames they use.

The good news is there are safe ways to share photos of your children on social media without giving away personal information. The sheriff's office provided the following safety tips:

  • Do not tag or mention your child's school or teacher's name
  • Conceal student's favorite items like foods, as potential predators may use them to lure in victims
  • Hide school logos and faces of other children in the back of photos
  • Avoid using hashtags that could gain the attention of potential predators 

"While these chalkboard and letter board posts are well-intended and make great keepsakes, sharing private information online can pose possible dangers," the sheriff's office wrote. "Rather than posting in the morning, wait until students return home and they can share their favorite parts of the first day to safely display. Stay safe while connecting online!" 

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